
The Hidden Dangers of Whey Protein

by | Aug 26, 2020

The Hidden Dangers of Whey Protein

Whey protein can weigh you down, literally. 

It’s an ingredient many of us encounter because it’s in a lot of the foods we eat. 

It is in everything….bars, protein powder, potato chips, energy drinks, crackers, breads, salad dressing and also hidden under “natural” ingredients the government deems “generally regarded as safe”.

Safe my butt! 

Most whey found in your food is derived from sources that value shelf life and profits more than human life. Eating whey from these sources will wreak havoc on your digestive system. 

So many people tell me, “I don’t have digestive issues, I can eat whatever I want”. They feel bad for me that I can’t have dairy or gluten or won’t eat that toxic cookie loaded with whey, high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors waiting to cause inflammation in my body, loosen my bowels and give me gas that would shame my Boston Terrier. 

Pretty easy decision for me to not eat that toxic cookie. 

And…chances are the people who feel bad for me shouldn’t eat that toxic cookie either. 

People often fail to blame bowel or digestive issues on what they put in their mouth. It is easier to believe it is genetics or is just something you have to deal with and continue to eat whatever you want instead – that is until the pain doctor let’s you know enough is enough. 

This manifests in constipation, kidney stones, eczema or even irritable bowel syndrome. When the poop hits the fan (literally sometimes) and you run to the doctor to try and figure out what is wrong with you…it is time to look at your diet.

Processing Creates Issues

From my research, the milk industry will use and preserve every ingredient they can, and sell it to the consumer whether it is good for us or not. 

According to Sally Fallon, President of the Weston A Price Foundation and Author of Nourishing Traditions, the milk industry treats milk products by boiling them, microwaving them, spray drying them, or freeze drying them. The heat-intensive processing causes oxidative damage to the proteins. 

When spray-dried and freeze-dried milk powder were fed to rats, both groups developed oxidative damage in plasma, liver and brain tissue. Whey protein is even more fragile than casein protein (dried milk), so damage by spray-drying is likely to be higher, according to Fallon. 

Fallon also states that doctors routinely warm kidney patients to avoid whey.

Three Ways Whey Protein Can Harm Your Body

1. Whey protein can put undue stress on the kidneys, making it hard for your body to process waste products in the blood stream, causing fatigue and sometimes high blood pressure.

2. Whey protein can cause oxidative damage and deplete antioxidants (the good guys) and increase radical oxidative stress (the bad guys). When the body has more radical oxidative stress, it can lead to things like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. More information the NIH can be found here.

3. Whey protein can also put stress on the liver. A compromised liver has a hard time filtering out toxins and fighting infections. The liver also puts out bile to aid in the digestion of fats and help absorb nutrients through the small intestines. When we have trouble absorbing nutrients, we begin to have gut issues.

If you have any digestive issues, chronic fatigue, or low-blood sugar issues, maybe it is the whey in your diet.

How To Identify Harmful Ingredients Like Whey In Your Diet And Eliminate Them

Read Labels! 

In the beginning just start looking for milk fat solids, non-fat milk, whey protein, natural ingredients, and skim-milk in your foods. 

Further, pea proteins, rice proteins and other “vegetarian” proteins also go through a heating process to make powders that produce harmful toxins, such as glyphosate. This website talks about pea proteins and what is safe and what isn’t.

Keep a food diary:

We often underestimate how much of these harmful ingredients we eat. Track when you eat them and how you feel, this will help determine if your bars or smoothies are making your gut hurt. Try to avoid these ingredients 80% of the time, and if you really need to supplement with whey try these sources: Bullet Proof, Vital Proteins and Designs for Health or Vital Nutrients.

A note about natural ingredients:

Not all natural ingredients are bad. Companies purchase natural flavors from other sources that have been tested for allergens and chemicals and artificial ingredients. 

If the source you are purchasing from, like Designs For Health, is a reputable source that tests all their products for harmful ingredients before they sell them, then you can be confident the “natural flavors” come from a good source. 

The reason they do not list the actual ingredients in some cases, is the ingredients are a proprietary blend and the company who makes it will not divulge the ingredients for that reason. Personally, I think it is unacceptable they can do this, but I trust the sources listed below do a good job screening their ingredients for toxins and allergens. 

Good Proteins and Collagens to Use in Smoothies:

Did you know plant-based proteins can be easier to digest if derived from the right sources? BiOptimizer has a great plant based protein with excellent research behind it.

Epic Protein is also a quite yummy plant-based protein powder with organic ingredients you can pronounce.

Vital Nutrients 

ProWhey – https://www.vitalnutrients.net/prowhey-organic-raw-chocolate.html

Vital Proteins 

Beef gelatin – https://www.vitalproteins.com/products/beef-gelatin

Marine Peptides – https://www.vitalproteins.com/products/marine-collagen-peptides

Collagen Whey Protein – https://www.vitalproteins.com/collections/collagen-whey

Designs for Health  

link for discount orders https://shop.designsforhealth.com/sca/checkout.ssp?is=login&login=T#/register-patient?HOLLICLEPPER

Collagen Complete is great for skin, hair, nails and joints

Good Protein Bars:

Vital Proteins – https://www.vitalproteins.com/pages/collagen-bars



Great Article:

Be Kind To Your Proteins and They Will Be Kind To You


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