
Step Into Fall By Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You

by | Sep 12, 2022

Fall Equinox is September 22

So much happens during the fall equinox. We have a beautiful harvest moon which not only lights the sky in a brilliant way, it is a perfect time to cleanse and let habits or people who no longer serve us “Fall” away. I love 3H0.org and this is their recent post about the equinox.

We All See the Same Sky

No matter where we are on this living earth, we all see the same sky. And no matter where we are on the spectrum of race, religion, ability, or gender, we stand on the same planet. Whether you’re in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, this time of year means that the sun crosses above Earth’s equator, making day and night nearly equal in length. The time of the Equinox reflects a balance between yin and yang, light and dark, night and day. 

As within, so without. 

This balance is reflected internally and externally. The idea is that we are nature, and as such, move best with her rhythms. To harmonize with the change of season, the wisdom of Ayurveda suggests that we be more conscientious of our thoughts, words, and actions at the time of the Equinox.” 3H0.org

So today, on movement Monday we are focusing on “working in” instead of “working out”.  There is always such a push to work out every day, to exercise harder, faster and more intensely to lose weight or look and feel good. However….exercise is stress. It can be a good stress or it can be bad stress. Take a moment to assess where you are and do you need to fill your cup by working in instead of working out? Working in is simple and it cleanses the mind and allows us to build our chi (our energy) so we can shed what no longer serves us. Give breathing meditation a try with these two techniques.

Figure 1 Belly Breathing

A great way to learn to breathe deep is first to stand or lie in a relaxed position with your hand over your belly button and inhale deeply pushing your hand out. Relax and draw the belly button in and exhale, figure 1.

If this is hard to do when you are standing, try it lying on your back. Repeat this at least 10 times so you get the feel of really breathing into your belly.

Now let’s try alternate nostril breathing. This is an excellent breathing exercise that has numerous benefits.

5 Benefits:

  1. Balances both hemispheres of the brain making focusing and recall of memories much easier.
  2. Brings effectiveness and calmness to the mind allowing for better decision-making and rational thinking.
  3. Alters the mental state so you feel more relaxed and calm for long periods of time.
  4. An excellent way to relax you when your baby is hard to calm down and you feel anxious. 
  5. Good as a daily practice for anyone to reset and rejuvenate, especially on those long days.
Figure 2 Alternate Nostril Breathing
Figure 3 Alternate Nostril Breathing


  1. Sit comfortably, chest lifted, and breathe all your air out through your nose. Close your lips and place your thumb gently on your right nostril and hold it closed, as in figure 2. 
  2. Breathe into your abdomen through just your left nostril, filling your abdomen first, then your chest. Keep your eyes on the horizon.
  3. When you have inhaled as much as you can, pinch your nose closed with your thumb and ring finger, as in figure 3. Hold and retain the air for 2 seconds.
  4. Release your thumb, holding the left nostril closed with your ring finger. Exhale all your air out through the right nostril.
  5. Inhale through the right nostril while holding the left nostril closed with your ring finger. When you have inhaled as far as you can, pinch both nostrils closed and retain the air for 2 seconds. 
  6. Keep your right nostril closed with your thumb and exhale through the left nostril.  Repeat this sequence 6-10 times.

Another excellent breathing technique is the Wim Hof Method. https://www.wimhofmethod.com

The benefits of Wim Hof Breathing are numerous due to the heightened oxygen levels it produces in your body.

  1. Increases energy
  2. Increases lung capacity – I can now swim underwater without coming up for air for over one minute which is a big improvement for me.
  3. Reduces stress levels 
  4. Stimulates the immune system which can have an immediate effect on ailments in the body.

Give it a try!

Check out my YouTube Video for examples on how to breathe properly and try both breathing exercises.



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